MR cooking shows vs Physical cooking shows

November 22, 2021

MR cooking shows vs Physical cooking shows

Cooking shows have been a staple on television for decades, but with the advent of Mixed Reality (MR), cooking shows are taking on a whole new dimension. MR can teach, entertain, and inspire viewers with a whole new level of interactivity. In this blog post, we will compare MR cooking shows to Physical cooking shows and see how they stack up against each other.

MR Cooking shows

Mixed Reality combines the physical world with the digital world to create an immersive experience. MR Cooking shows can be live or pre-recorded, allowing viewers to interact with the host and cooking tools through their devices.


  • Interactivity: MR lets the audience actively participate in the cooking process. Viewers can ask questions, get real-time feedback and try out the recipes by following step by step instructions. This hands-on approach can boost learning, retention and inspire viewers to try out new dishes.
  • A wide range of cooking tools: With MR, you have access to almost any kitchen tool or ingredient, which is not possible in physical cooking shows. You can manipulate the size, texture and colour of an ingredient or a utensil, which aids in the creation of the perfect dish.
  • Accessibility: MR cooking shows are available to anyone with a compatible device and internet connection.


  • Cost: MR experiences may be more expensive compared to traditional cooking shows, especially since they require specialized 3D modeling and coding.
  • Technical issues: Technical difficulties can arise during a live MR show, affecting the production value and the overall experience of the show.

Physical Cooking shows

Physical Cooking shows have been around for years and have a loyal fanbase. They involve a host, a kitchen set filled with ingredients and tools, and live or pre-recorded footage.


  • Authenticity: Physical Cooking shows offer a tangible experience, allowing the viewer to understand the complexity and challenge of the cooking process. They present the actual presentation of the dish without any digital enhancements or alterations.
  • Cost-Effective: A Physical Cooking show does not require a large budget or specialized technical skills to produce.


  • Lack of interactivity: Viewers can only watch the host cook, without any interaction or learning opportunities.
  • Limited access to ingredients or tools: Physical cooking shows may not have access to a wide range of ingredients or advanced kitchen tools.


Mixed Reality cooking shows offer a more immersive and interactive experience compared to Physical cooking shows. The interactivity and versatility offered by MR cooking shows provide more opportunities for learning and improving cooking skills. However, they may be cost-prohibitive compared to Physical cooking shows.

Physical Cooking shows are a cost-effective way of producing cooking content, but they often lack the interactivity and versatility that MR cooking shows provide.

Whether you prefer MR or Physical cooking shows, both methods provide an excellent way of learning and enjoying the art of cooking.


  1. Epstein, Z. (2020). Cooking with mixed reality: virtual flavor, real-world results. Retreived from
  2. Martin, E. (2020). The Future of Food: How Mixed Reality Is Revolutionizing Cooking. Retreived from
  3. Togura, R. (2021). The Advantages of Physical Cooking Shows: Why Live Cooking is Not Dead. Retreived from

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